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Filing A Military Disease Claim

December 20th, 2013 by Andreas Xavier in Uncategorized. Topics:

A military disease is a disease that occurs when someone is actively employed in the military. For the person to be service-connected or be eligible for a compensation, the disease would have to be caused or it was contributed while being on active service. If it is a condition that was pre-existing, then there should be proof that it was aggravated by the time that it was spent in service. When this occurs, a disability compensation rating is issued to the affected person. To get this rating, the individual should prove that they were appropriately involved in military service or prove that the condition was there before with a doctor’s certificate.

Presumptive conditions, (conditions that are assumed to be caused by an existing situation or exposure to a chemical or other properties, such as Agent Orange or Asbestos), are governed by regulations that eliminate the burden of proof for an event that is caused by that same condition. An example being that a Vietnam soldier would not have a need to prove that his diabetes was caused by Agent Orange. It is however assumed that he was exposed to the chemical and therefore it is the root cause of his illness. Many army personnel would not be eligible for presumptive ratings because they did not venture near the exposed area.

Many others are deemed eligible because of their exposure. If you are of the opinion that you are eligible for a presumptive condition rating, you can file a disability claim and find out by way of adjudication. Infectious diseases can also be categorized as a military disease claim. One of the most common conditions that affect veterans of the Gulf War are chronic symptoms that are yet medically unexplained. These include fatigue, joint pain, insomnia, indigestion, headaches, dizziness, memory, and respiratory problems. It is known as the “Gulf War Syndrome”.

Sufferers of these symptoms may be eligible for compensation if they file a military disease claim. Hilary Meredith Solicitors are familiar with this and other types of diseases that arise out of service in the military. There are other types of diseases and illnesses that can persist and cause problems for the sufferer later on in their lives.

The solicitors are aware that when you pursue a personal injury claim that stems from a military disease, it can be a daunting process, because of the information that will have to be exchanged. They will guide you through the steps and provide sensible and practical advice and support. You will greatly benefit from their expert service.

They help you to get the benefits that you are entitled to and get interim payments from the defendant, or their insurance company to cover your expenses. They are different from other solicitors in that they do follow ups even after you have received your compensation and ensure that you are still secure further along in your illness.

The peace of mind that comes with using Hilary Meredith Solicitors is incomparable as they ensure that your quality of life is maintained at all times.

About the author

Cheri Davis writes for http://www.hmsolicitors.co.uk/


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